Many Voices with stories to share
At AWCS, our writers have many stories, many voices, taken from many experiences. We have poets, fiction writers, creative nonfiction writers and more, and this year we want to showcase some of our wonderful talent. All members are invited to submit to our monthly writing contest.
The first day of each month, you will receive the writing prompt and genre for the month by email. You have 10 days to write and submit a piece of flash fiction/creative nonfiction or poetry (depending on the month).
The winning entry will be published in the Member Connections at the end of the month and win 50% of the submission pot.
Can't get much easier, right? So, let's write.
The first day of each month, you will receive the writing prompt and genre for the month by email. You have 10 days to write and submit a piece of flash fiction/creative nonfiction or poetry (depending on the month).
The winning entry will be published in the Member Connections at the end of the month and win 50% of the submission pot.
Can't get much easier, right? So, let's write.
In collaboration with the Calgary Public Library:
Submissions may also be considered for distribution in Calgary Public Library’s Short Story Dispenser. Stories will be considered if they are within the word limit, contain suitable content for all ages, and are written by authors with ties to Alberta. Authors will not receive further compensation for having their work published in the Short Story Dispenser.
Submissions may also be considered for distribution in Calgary Public Library’s Short Story Dispenser. Stories will be considered if they are within the word limit, contain suitable content for all ages, and are written by authors with ties to Alberta. Authors will not receive further compensation for having their work published in the Short Story Dispenser.
February prompt
General Submission Guidelines
- Open to everyone
- Maximum 500 words
- $5 per submission, submit as much as you like.
- All submissions must be typed, double-spaced, in an easy-to-read 11pt or 12pt font size.
- Include the story title and your full name in the filename, example: Story_Title-FirstName_LastName.docx
- Do not include your name within the document.
- Find errors in the work you already submitted? Use the same submission form to send the updated version. Tell us it is a 'resubmission' in the bio section. We will only accept resubmissions sent before the deadline.
Important Dates
- 1st of the month, prompt release
- 10th of the month, submission deadline
- Last Friday of the month, winning entry published in Member Connections newsletter.