When Words Collide 2024 - Volume Two - Master Classes
When Words Collide 2024 Master Classes
Join us at the festival for 2-hour Master Classes taught by some of our special guests. Master Classes are for festival participants. You should already have a festival pass when you register for the Master Classes.
Navigating the Publishing Journey: From Manuscript to Bookshelves with Jonathan Whitelaw
When: Friday, August 16 at 2:00pm
Where: Waterton room
Cost: $40
Congratulations on completing your manuscript! But what comes next? Join us for a comprehensive exploration of the publishing industry in 2024. Award-winning author Jonathan Whitelaw will guide you through the crucial steps after finishing your manuscript, including editing, traditional and self-publishing options, and the advantages and disadvantages of representation. Discover how 'The End' is just the beginning of your journey as a published author. Whether you're aiming for traditional publishing or considering self-publishing, this masterclass will provide invaluable insights and practical advice to help you navigate the path to seeing your book in print.
Mastering Point of View in Fiction Writing with Robert J Sawyer
When: Saturday, August 17, at 10:00am
Where: Waterton room
Cost: $40
UPDATE: This class is full. We have one waitlist ticket for this master class. Email us to inquire.
Join us for a deep dive into the world of narrative perspective in fiction writing. In this masterclass, you'll learn to navigate the complexities of first-person and third-person narration, understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and how to avoid point-of-view pitfalls. Most beginner writers have a hard time choosing the appropriate point of view for their stories—and an even harder time sticking to it. Printed fiction can be more powerful than film, TV, or stage plays because it allows us to get inside the head of our viewpoint character—to actually become someone in the story. But a poor choice of point-of-view character can leave the reader uninvolved, and violations of the limited perspective provided by a specific point of view can rip the reader right out of the story.
Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, you'll gain the tools to keep your readers engaged and immersed in your narrative from beginning to end.
Feast for the Senses: The Art of Food Writing with Wendy McGrath
When: Sunday, August 18, at 10:00am
Where: Waterton room
Cost: $40
Food is more than just sustenance; it can be a powerful narrative tool in storytelling. In this immersive two-hour masterclass, we will delve into the art of food writing beyond restaurant reviews. From memoir to fiction, poetry to creative non-fiction, we will uncover how food can be a vibrant character, a sensory description, and a thematic element that adds depth to your writing.
Participants will learn how to weave food seamlessly into their narratives, drawing inspiration from recipes, cookbooks, and personal experiences. Through guided writing exercises and group workshops, you will discover how to use food to evoke emotion, develop characters, and create rich, unforgettable scenes. Join us and explore the delicious world of food writing!
A Masterclass in Improv: embracing failure as a conduit to creativity with the Kinkonauts
When: Saturday, August 17, at 2:00pm
Where: Bonavista Ballroom
Cost: $60
Find your creativity for Writing and Life! Join us for a Masterclass that uses the power of Improv to find your creativity and build a lasting way to keep the creativity going! Using non-performative experiential exercises, you will learn to take risks, embrace failure and be more comfortable with the unknown. Improv workshops are being used by Fortune 500 companies, corporations, non-profits, medical staff and many others to build soft skills, help with mental well-being, brainstorming and creativity. Play is proven to be the best way to learn and failure is the only way to learn. Come play and fail in a fun and safe environment!
Additional Information
Festival Weekend Passes, Saturday Night Showcase Tickets, and Master Class Passes are transferable* but not refundable. You may also turn your registration fee into credit. You can use credits for the next WWC event and any AWCS course, program, event, or membership. WWC will maintain a waiting list in the event registered attendees cancel. Email us to be added to the waitlist.
*Transfers: If you are registered for the festival and can no longer attend, email us. WWC is happy to transfer your pass (and banquet ticket) to a friend or the next person on our waiting list. WWC will assist with waiting list transfers up to and including the day before the event.
Subsidies are available through the J. Michael Fay Subsidy Program. Let us know how we can help.
Children under the age of 8 need not register, but must be accompanied by a registered adult at all times. Children who are running loose may be asked to leave the festival.
Parents bringing children to the festival must provide the children`s proof of age when picking up their registration package at the festival. The child’s age as of August 9, 2024 is used to determine the type of pass they will need.